illegal immigrants

2831 days ago

Show you support the law, visit a Byron Burger Bar today - here's where to find your local store

A couple of weeks ago the great cuase of the liberal left was to protest about how democracy is only good when the little people vote the right way and to demand another referendum on Brexit. Those without useful jobs have now found a new cause, demanding that we all boycott Byron's Burger Bars because this chain decided to assist the Home Office in obeying the law. Byron's crime is not to support crime.


2958 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Easter Day - Sorry Daily Mail Readers property is a bubble that will burst

There is only one thing that Daily Mail readers love more than articles about how illegal immigrants can give you cancer and that is articles on how prices are going up. But today there is an article which warns that the Bank of England is set to try and stop Buy to Let becoming a bubble. It's too late! It is not if but when it all bursts.
